Saturday, October 25, 2008

Any can help so why not?

Everyone can help if it is preserving energy or recycling there are many things that anyone can do so do it and help global warming.


School has started so keep remembering to recycle and keep our planet clean.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sea Life

I have always thought Sea Life is so cool! I love it! Here I put some really awesome Sea Life pics for you to look at including Whales, Sharks Dolphins, Fish, Crabs, Lobster, Mantas and More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!!

Remember to try to keep Our Planet Clean!

It may be hard to remember every single second that our Planet needs help but just when you have the chance try because every little thing makes a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Many birds are endangered like peregrine falcons and the owls.

Some more animals that are endangered are sloths and monkeys and they are so cute!!!!!!! Here are some pics of them!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

There Are So Many Animals That Need Help!

There sadly are many animals that are getting endangered because of either hunters or the environment. Even the polar bear is starting to get endangered because the sea ice is melting also many other animals in the Artic and cold places are getting endangered. Another example is the Rhino it lives in warm places. This is getting to be very bad and it is getting worse faster we need help! Here are some pictures of Rhinos and Polar Bears!