Saturday, March 8, 2008

There Are So Many Animals That Need Help!

There sadly are many animals that are getting endangered because of either hunters or the environment. Even the polar bear is starting to get endangered because the sea ice is melting also many other animals in the Artic and cold places are getting endangered. Another example is the Rhino it lives in warm places. This is getting to be very bad and it is getting worse faster we need help! Here are some pictures of Rhinos and Polar Bears!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Go to to get a little more info on donating!


These Are Some Seals

These seals are endangered but surprisingly not by pollution, by hunters. Most of the Seals live in Canada and hunters hunt them for fur coats and because they eat fish that the hunters want. It's very sad. Right.

Here Is One Example Of A Animal That Pollution Is Making Endangered

Here is a very cute one the Red Panda and the pollution is starting to get to them and their population is getting smaller and smaller. We can still make a change but it needs to be soon!

Here Is One Example Of How Bad Pollution Can Be

If you look at the photos on the side that is how pollution looks and that is what is killing our environment and its animals!

Pollution Is So Bad...

Pollution is so bad it is killing our environment and alot of our cute nice animals and anything helps even the smallest thing like turning the TV off once in a while turning the lights off when you leave the room and there alot of ways people can help and everyone needs it!


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We Need Our Animals And Our Earth

Hi this is Alex And Friends we are making OurAnimalsOurEarth to warn people that our anmals and earth needs help!!!!!!!!
So if you would like to help stop pollution and save animals you can Donate Money and pick an animal or animals you would like to help. THen we can send it to a shelter to help animals and our earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!Thank You!!!!!!